How Chat GPT3 Helped Name My Newsletter

Having fun in’s playground

Chat-GPT3 was launched publicly within the last week, and already has over one million users. In fact, when I tried to login this evening, the system was down due to overwhelming demand. The world is rapidly discovering this new technology. (Find me on Substack).

What is Chat GPT3?

Chat GPT3 is’s sophisticated chatbot that is trained to respond to text prompts in a conversational format. Its capabilities are extensive: it can speedily explain code, create apps, and answer scientific, business and everyday questions with intelligent responses and ease. It can create content from poetry to essays—and even grade essays! It does have some limitations, which most users will experience as they test its capabilities.

The online “playroom” is free for a few months to each user, or for a limited number of prompts, whichever comes first. After that, it becomes a paid service.

The AI Threat to Writers and What to Do About It

AI chatbots are viewed as a threat to writers and creators, and after experiencing it, I can validate that this is the new reality. However, I think the wisest approach is to embrace the technology: it is here, it is only going to get smarter, and those who learn how to incorporate it into their projects will work smarter, faster and be more in demand. It is also a great tool to inspire creativity.

How Chat GPT3 Helped Name My Newsletter

Here is the direct conversation between Chat GPT3 and myself, which demonstrates how it works, and how it can inspire creative ideas:

Me: What are some names for my newsletter that will be about the fusion of art, writing and technology?

Chat GPT3: Here are a few suggestions for newsletter names that incorporate your name and the themes of art, writing, and technology:

  1. Julia’s Fusion: A newsletter about the intersection of art, writing, and technology.
  2. Julia’s ArtTech: A newsletter exploring the fusion of art and technology.
  3. Julia’s TechLit: A newsletter highlighting the connection between writing and technology.
  4. Julia’s CreativTech: A newsletter featuring creative uses of technology in art and writing.
  5. Julia’s ArtWriteTech: A newsletter focusing on the overlap of art, writing, and technology.

I hope these suggestions help spark some ideas for your newsletter name. Good luck!

Me: What about more creative names for the title, something catchy like, “Julia’s Jam,” but more contemporary?

Chat GPT3:

  1. Julia’s ArtiTechJam
  2. Julia’s CreativeFusion
  3. Julia’s ArtWriteFusion
  4. Julia’s TechArtFiesta
  5. Julia’s FusionArtFiesta
  6. Julia’s ArtTechFusionFrenzy
  7. Julia’s TechnoArtRave
  8. Julia’s CreativeTechParty
  9. Julia’s ArtiWriteTangle
  10. Julia’s ArtWriteTechFusion

Me/Side note: (At this point, the word “tangle” stood out to me in number nine, and within a few moments, I thought of the idea of calling the newsletter, “Julia’s Entanglement.” I then asked the bot what it thought for taglines).

Chat GPT3: Yes, “Julia’s Entanglement” is a great idea! You could use taglines such as “Exploring the Tangled Web of Art, Writing & Technology” or “Entangling the Creative Mind”.

Me: (Wanting clarification if the bot understood the context, I asked the following) Would “Julia’s Entanglement” work? Why or why not?

Chat GPT3: Yes, “Julia’s Entanglement” could work as a name for a newsletter about the fusion of art, writing and technology. The term “entanglement” can be used to describe a complex relationship between two or more entities, which could be appropriate for a newsletter about the interplay between art, writing and technology.

Me/Commentary: Wow! What a sophisticated response from Chat GPT3. I am hooked. So that’s how I came up with my name for the Newsletter. While it was my original idea, it was prompted by a word generated by the bot. The bot then reaffirmed with a logical response that my choice of name would be appropriate. The ideas for the uses of this tool are endless, and it will be so fun to experiment.

The world has changed forever more—for good or for bad—but let us all make the best of it! Try it yourself at I’d love to know what you think! Please consider subscribing to my newsletter on Substack:

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